Spooky Star Trek Episodes
Do you want to watch spooky Star Trek episodes for Halloween? No? Oh. Well here’s a list anyway.
Sub Rosa
Star Trek: The Next Generation, Season 7, Episode 14.
Beverly Crusher attends the funeral of her grandmother on a planet that looks and feels just like spooky Scotland. Also, she has sexy time with a ghost. No, I’m not kidding.
Star Trek: The Original Series, Season 2, Episode 7.
A crewman beams back from a planet. He is dead. An eerie voice emanates from the dead man’s mouth and warns the crew of the Enterprise, that they are cursed and they shall die if they don’t leave. The crew investigates the planet as Sulu and Scotty are still there and unaccounted for. Featuring a castle, a black cat, a dungeon and ghost witches being like: “Captain KiiIIiirk! Go baaAAack!”